I found the following story on Primatology.org
It left me with a couple of questions. Were the cataracts bilateral? Were interocular lenses applied during the surgery? If so how was the sight measured for the selection of the lenses? If interocular lenses were not used, it would be difficult to understand how there could be an improvement in sight. Extended wear contact leneses would be a possibility in the event that interoculars were not applied.I have asked them these questions. I will pass the answers to you if I receive them.
Tuesday, February 13th, 2007...10:07 pm
A new baby for Tolkein: Howler monkey with restored sight gives birth
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We’ve heard of modern medicine helping zoo animals in many ways (including Salome, a western lowland gorilla at the Bristol Zoo reproducing with the help of fertility drugs) and the Port Lympne Wild Animal Park adds another success to the list: cataract surgery. A howler monkey named Tolkein relied on the help of her caregivers in daily activities since she developed cataracts as a juvenile.
The surgery restoring her eye sight was a success and after her recovery, Tolkein was introduced to a new arrival at the Wild Animal Park, Clyde. About a week ago, the two became parents of baby who is yet to be named…. a baby that Tolkein can care for with the help of all of her senses.
Simon Jeffery, a headkeeper at the Wild Animal Park reports that,
“At just a week old the baby seems strong and healthy and is very interested in its surroundings and so far Tolkein is being a perfect mum.”